Friday, January 12, 2007

The Prairie – Chicago to Austin

1100+ miles. Lots of prairie.

En route from Chicago to Joplin, as Michael was driving, I just had my little old point-and-shoot camera. It's a sport, trying to frame a shot at that speed, but I did get a few nice shots right through the window as the beautiful prairie whizzed by. (The next day, Joplin to Austin, I got my better camera, the one that Mama just gave me for Christmas, out of the suitcase. The focus was much better, but the day was cloudless and the prairie was just plain flat.)

The camera remembers better than I do how vast it is out there. It's all agriculture. That's what's so astounding. How did we ever manage that? It should be grassland, with buffalo. But it's all cropland now, and miles and miles of road and telephone poles.

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